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national debt

Something that was 5.6 trillion when Bush took over and now is 12.3 when Obama gets his turn. Was ok to add 6.7 trilion with Bush but now... what to do???

My share of the national debt is 12 trillion divided by 300 million... hummm.. about 40 grand...

by docbob49 March 5, 2009

34👍 16👎

National Debt

Combined effect of January sales and wives useing husbands credit cards..

True effect not felt till later in the year when husband finds the statement.

March statement hits the floor

Husband... opens the mail exclaims "WTF"

Wife... "im doing my bit for the National Debt dear"seeing look of thunder on hubby's face tries "Think of all the money ive saved"

by discordia1111 January 20, 2011

10👍 4👎

National Debt Trifecta

A term for Ronald Reagan ,George H. W. Bush, and George W Bush the 3 presidents who created 90% of America's national debt

When Jimmy Carter left office America's total national debt was less than $1 trillion by the time George W Bush left office the national debt was $10 trillion, Reagan and the Bushes created 90% of America's national debt, known as the National Debt Trifecta.

by Mr.Juan-derful April 26, 2010

1914👍 430👎