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natural news

A website dedicated to promoting right-wing conspiracy theories. They fuel karens and spread anti-vax and anti-mask propaganda. It was invented by Mike Adams, either a male karen or a giant troll. They encourage karens to fight about mask-wearing and convince parents to be anti-vax. Sometimes they are so stupid I wonder if they are a bunch of trolls. They also spread anti gmo stuff.

Karen: Did you hear that vaccines cause autism, and the government is trying to poison us with 5G, GMOs, and masks
Me: where did you hear that
Karen: This amazing website called natural news, they are truth seekers and only people like me know the truth
Me: Natural news is a troll

by mrguy122345 November 20, 2020

16👍 3👎

Natural New Sour

A new flavor that is very very sour and is made from all natural ingredients. It is actually semen, and is used in jellybeans and other candy ect.
When it is make from artificial ingredients to is only called new sour.

Try these jellybeans there natural new sour.

by Judge dredd7 September 8, 2011

1👍 3👎