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Naturalistic Pandivinism

Naturalistic Pandivinism, also known as Scientific Pandivinism, is a form of pandivinism that supports that the divine is a natural and a concrete thing and it’s a fundamental substance of nature, but different from classical pandivinism, naturalistic pandivinism believes that science is about the study and the exploration of the divine and that technology is a mean to make people near to the divine and near to the gods. Naturalistic Pandivinism also believes in the unity of physical-extraphysical, natural-extranatural and material-extramaterial, the development of spiritual sciences, such as divinology, extraphysics, psychoextraphysics, esoterology, spiritology and deistology in order to study the divine directly and the development of post-physical, post-spacetime and extraphysical technologies in order to make humanity the most closer as possible to the divine and of gods themselves and to turn humanity into a divine civilization by superating the physical, the spacetime, becoming extraphysical and embracing the divine. Naturalistic Pandivinism also supports the idea of epistemological pluralism in order to study things that are directly related to the spiritual, the divine and the beyond spacetime and it also believes that gods, divine beings and the divine exist beyond spacetime and that’s the reason why humanity should explore what’s beyond the spacetime.

“Not gonna lie, but naturalistic pandivinism is just a reformulated version of naturalistic pantheism based on the technological, scientific, spiritual and esoteric advancements of modernity, and of course, based on divinialism as well.”

by Full Monteirism May 30, 2021