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New Mommy

A woman who, upon being married, takes on the responsibilities of mother for her husband. She will allow him to be slovenly and not have a job, just as long as he remains in the house. If the husband leaves the house, the New Mommy will call repeatedly to check on him and make sure he knows when he's expected home; to the point of where it makes the husband and his friends uncomfortable. If the husband has friends over, she becomes irate and antisocial to the point where the friends are no longer comfortable staying.

Ultimately, she achieves an unhealthy, but very effective control over her "husband."

You think Tim would wanna go grab a beer?

Dunno, he'll have to check with his New Mommy.

by Rick the Nature Boy April 17, 2008

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New mommy syndrome

When a woman has her first child and is no longer any fun to hang out with. Makes sure to bring up their child in every conversation no matter the topic.

Person 1: Let’s call Kelly and see if she wants to hang out tonight
Person 2: good luck with that ever since she had that baby she’s had a bad case of new mommy syndrome.

by Dutch Pirate April 19, 2022