Source Code

Next Weekend

The weekend after this weekend.
For example, if it's Tuesday September 14th, the first day of Next Weekend is Saturday September 25th.

Curt: Are we gonna party next weekend?

Jordan: Yeah, cause I'm too busy to party this weekend.

by tumelo September 13, 2021

18👍 10👎

Next Weekend

When someone says next weekend, it means the weekend coming up, unless the weekend has already started.

For example; if it were Tuesday January 10th, next weekend would refer to weekend coming up. As opposed to the weekend after next which refers to the weekend after this weekend.

by OliKazam January 25, 2012

85👍 102👎

maybe next weekend

A term used to avoid unpleasant situations while still managing to sound polite and slightly interested.

Jack O'Fonher:"Want to come to the movies with me? I'll even take you to dinner!"
Handa Mia: "Um.... I'm busy. Maybe next weekend"

Pamela Handerson: "You were great. Are you sure you don't want to spend the night?"
Mike Hawk: "Maybe next weekend"

by Nicky Ashley February 13, 2011

6👍 7👎