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nipple ring

a piercing through one's nipple

Wow her nipple ring is sexy

by Nip August 10, 2004

822👍 241👎

nipple ring

digusting, nasty, vile

i don't want to see a nipple ring on any girl

by Robert Oldhead December 8, 2007

324👍 377👎

nipple rings

A type of jewelry, worn by men and women, usually placed horizontal through the nipples. Sometimes they are also placed vertical through the nipple. Very painful, easily infected. Can cause nipple pus and abscesses if not properly cleaned daily!

Andy got nipple rings last week, he said they are very painful!

by Emkuda July 17, 2019

5👍 4👎

Nipple ring

The funnest way to say your borning

You didn’t add bacon to your pizza!? Nipple ring!

by SwiftieFan13-19 July 9, 2024

Nipple ring

A weird way to say your boring

Nipple ring for not adding bacon to flatbread pizza

by Wee gosle July 9, 2024

4👍 1👎