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noise is calling pick up phone

A meme where the noise from the 2023 indie game pizza tower calls the main protagonist peppino. With the ring tone being "Noise is calling pick up phone" repeated

Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone
Noise is calling pick up phone

by Imthehamman July 1, 2023