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Cali term that stands for "Northern California."

Yo, where you from, cuz?


by Joshiro007 February 20, 2003

927๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž


an abbreviation for northern California. Most known for the bay area. A place where for the average teenager, going a whole day without saying "hella" is allmost impossible.

Kid 1: Norcal is hella better than Socal!
Kid 2: No shit

by Tha Baydestrian October 23, 2008

305๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


Damn good place. Everything is pretty much in the Bay area or san francisco. But there's a whole ton a natural beauty from the redwoods up north to the san francisco bay estuary to the mountains. NorCal is startin to get all messed up kinda like the sad fate of socal, but probably not as bad. The 650 or 415 is the place to be for a sweet trip or visit, but the housing is waaaay to jacked for me out there near the City by the Bay.
Got half my family livin there, too, and you guessed it, their

NoCal-er: Hella, that trip to NYC was sweeeet, but there'll never be any match for west coast Norcal.
Non-Californian: Oh, nice Man. you mean out there near Frisco?
NorCal-er: ................uh, NO.

by Mickgriddle October 11, 2006

437๐Ÿ‘ 254๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hella better than shitty socal. We even have the better greens.

Wut the fuck is that thing?

by My name? fuck that, give me your name! November 16, 2004

1099๐Ÿ‘ 689๐Ÿ‘Ž


the place know by its residents to have the best hiphop by FAR, the people hella real and hella hustle, and have almost an entire language of slang. MJs practically leagal and all other drugs are barely even partrolled...youll never want to leave. if you bring anything up here reppin socal you know youll get some dirty looks, or worse..

Socal: The stuff you guys have up here is dank, so soo, really much....

Norcaler: are you trying to say "hella"?

by norcalforlife September 7, 2008

194๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best fucking place on Earth.

NorCal is so fucking awesome in comparison to sucky ass SoCal

by killa cali May 14, 2006

930๐Ÿ‘ 656๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Norcal" is a portmanteau of "Northern" and "California". The term is a foolish adaptation of "Socal", instituted by recent transplants to N. Cali. and used to express an exclusive bro-titude, succeeding primarily in creating a brainless mindset of stereotypical machismo, expressed by shirtless baby-men in lifted trucks and wrap-around Oakleys, that rivals Southern California's transparentness. Generally an embarrassment to the culture of thoughtfulness and artistic innovation developed by native Northern Californians (or others who actually "get it"), these base lug-nuts would be better served by going home and trying their slavish commitment to cheesy marketing terms elsewhere, leaving us actual Northern Californians with our uniqueness and integrity intact.

Dude, I'm so stoked my Dad moved us to San Jose from Bakersfield, I'm gonna put this big-ass NORCAL sticker on my truck so all the ladies know to look out for my sunburned, waxed beer-gut.

Bro, you mean there are, like, fine girls that aren't blond retards? Norcal RULES! I'm never goin' back to Oxnard!

by freddy R. May 12, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž