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North Island

The northern island of New Zealand, where everything cool is, oppose to the south island, where all there is, is mountains and rubble.

Mate, should I head down to the South Island, or stay in the north island?
Stay up here, nothing's exciting down there

by Evenmenlikecheese April 3, 2015

5👍 2👎

North Island

The cool, exciting New Zealand Island for young people, as opposed to the South Island for old, boring people

Wiremu: Bro, should we go to the South Island this summer?
Oliver: Nah, that place is for boring old people, and they have shit beaches
South Islander: We have good wine
Boring North Islander, very rare: Shut up Hawkes Bay wine is better
*South Islander cries*

by Wiremu Oliver December 25, 2015

2👍 2👎

North Island Secondary

NISS is listed as the worst school in British Columbia. Yea the worst! Half the people there dont care about anyone. But later in PHSS is the place to be!

Guy 1: Dude do you go to North Island Secondary?

Guy 2: Nah dawg. I go to Port Hardy Secondary.

Guy 1: Party 'Hardy' dude!

Guy 2: Weeeeooooo!

by SeriouslyWUT May 27, 2011

5👍 5👎

north sentinel island

land of the ooga boogas who still use leaves to wipe

did you hear about the mongs on the north sentinel island

by Timmythe rag January 10, 2022

13👍 1👎