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Oil tanker

A big fucking thing in the water. Not to be confused with whale. SEE Whale.

The oil tanker pulled into the harbor at Galveston, assuring a good healthy dose of American capitalist supremacy. Oil. It's what's for dinner.

by Noble Webster February 5, 2010

16👍 4👎

oil tanker

to hard charge something. like an oil tanker of course. nothin can stop you boi.
oil tankered: past tense ofcourse

dude just f***** oil tanker that jump

i oil tankered outta that light and got stopped by the 5-0

by Charles Raymond April 16, 2007

2👍 5👎

An Oil Tanker For You

1. To Gift Someone an Oil Taker

2. Dio's Famous OVA Quote An Oil Tanker For You.

1. Hey James Here's "An Oil Tanker For you."

2. An Oil Tanker For You.

by OraOraOraOraOra November 24, 2019

8👍 1👎