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old roblox

Old Roblox is typically referred to as the 2006 - 2012 era of Roblox. Players from that time see it as a "nostalgic heaven" whereas anyone with at-least one braincell will remember it was a toxicity haven. No filter besides super safe chat, clunky physics and that crispy anti-aliasing that didn't exist.

People from this era might chant "bring back tix" (roblox lingo for a ticket currency) or cry about the forums being removed.

It was a good time, but not the best time. Rest in peace, old roblox.

Veteran one: I miss old roblox

Veteran two: Old roblox really was the best time

Ro-banger: mic up cuh u aint nothing y u here these streetz are mine

Veteran one: I hate this

by evercreeper April 1, 2021

14👍 2👎

old roblox

old roblox is best game.

i like old roblox goes brrr brr.....

by bobuxman27626718 January 9, 2021

16👍 4👎

old roblox

a stupid aah term used by 12 year olds that miss old roblox that never expirienced it and also joined in 2022

i miss old roblox, good old days

by carbuncle_puyopuyo August 10, 2023

3👍 2👎


Old ROBLOX refers to the time between 2008 - 2020 (yes, Old ROBLOX lasted until 2020, IMO).
Most of these people, also called "Veterans"; are just clingy old men, when back in 2008 - 2016 they were like I dunno, 12 - 19, and most of them have a goddamn life, yet play ROBLOX for the sake of nostalgia. If you say something Bullshit about the 2008 - 2020 period of time, they will witchhunt you, and make sure it stays in your dreams.
On some real shit, tho, i like them. I've been playing ROBLOX since 2014 until my older bro taught me how to create a ROBLOX Account back in 2018. But i forgot my password back in 2020, so i created my

ROBLOX Enjoyer: Bro the 2011 Client sucks, not gonna lie
Old ROBLOX idiot: How dare you! That is the best client ever
ROBLOX Enjoyer: So, you're accepting the fact that LEGO Island has better graphics than 2011 ROBLOX?
Old ROBLOX idiot: No! I accept the fact that my generation is better!

by xxxx_MARTINVIDEO2009_xxxx July 24, 2022

4👍 11👎

the old roblox community

the worst community ever, full of fake old robloxians (people who pretend they joined back on old roblox) and toxic people. i suggest you not to join this community or you will regret it.

Old Robloxian Pretender: hey i joined in 2010 haha lol noob
a normal guy: are you one of those dumbasses in the old roblox community who tries to pretend they joined roblox back in old times? you are a pg lol

by im the mask guy LOl May 25, 2021

13👍 4👎

Old Roblox Day

Old Roblox Day is a day on the eleventh, december. We celebrate it internationally, as new roblox is very inadequate.

Zeria; "Hey! Morno! You know what day it is?" Morno; "What??" Zeria; "Old roblox day! Lets dress up!"

by allielindsyy2001 December 11, 2021