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Option B

When you sack somebody as a last second attempt to escape.

Dude I just got out of Mr Dnalaelc's classroom by using Option B! I gotta run!

by Mr Dnalaelc January 5, 2021

Option B

The ability to choose between enduring one's current situation or have a monkey fling his poop at you for 15 minutes instead.

Mom) Johnny, we have to go to a funeral later.
Johnny)Uh...I choose option B instead
Monkey) huhu ha ha ha

by viciousgandhi June 9, 2003

8👍 7👎

Option B

It's short for secure additional funding. Option B is to secure additional funding.

I need my car fixed but I really don't have the money for it rn. Welp, time for option b.

by I do carloans August 4, 2019