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Meaning 3 things:
Only the fattest punani (used in hawaii because punani means vag)
Only the fattest pussy
Only the finest people
Used when describing your clique of boys as manly or liking fat bitches

Ex 1

Boy 1: did you see @wisewallen's post on instagram?

Boy 2: yeah, he tagged #OTFP I didnt know that he liked them large

Ex 2

Boy: Dude I heard that you tagged OTFP in our picture together. I guess that means were boys now, right?

by KingWall June 7, 2014

9👍 3👎


Acronym for "One True Fucking Pairing." Synonymous with OTP, but it's more of a friends with benefits deal.

John and Dave are friends, but they're totally fucking behind the scenes. They're my OTFP.

by some_gai December 23, 2011

6👍 2👎


On the fucking point. It isn't just on point, it's on THE FUCKING point...the emphasis on "the" means there is only one way in this context to be on point and the emphasis on the fucking means it's really, really on point but we abbreviate it in case Gramma reads the text.

Courtney: OMG, did you ever see Barry Gibb's hair?
Jake: Are you kidding me?!? His hair was always OTFP.

by JMKinMich October 16, 2019

1👍 1👎