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out of character

Out of character (OOC) is usually concerned with role playing or fan fictions. It's when one person
1. either stops writing/typing as that character and speaks as them self to whoever is reading.

2. The character that is being used isn't acting like that character will act. Often happens because someone doesn't know that much about the fandom or just not very experienced with that character.

Often someone will try to warn that they will be Out Of Character at some points or in all.

In the fan fiction I just read Ron was completely out of character like it wasn't even him!

by JeanDaOtaku July 19, 2015

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Out Of Character

When a character with an already well defined personality acts in a way that they normally would not. They do or say something that they as a character would not normally say, given the personality the writer has already assigned them. This happens very often when your show/book/story has a self-insert or Mary Sue

β€œThis orc barbarian who has killed 13 dragons just got scared of a bee! Man that seems out of character!”

by (Actually not named) Atalanta January 29, 2019

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Getting Out of Character

Is When a Person Become Mad or Angry about something and start to act in a way that isn't how they normally carry Them-self.

Yooo Tiffany Found out that Her Boyfriend Was Cheating on Her with another Woman. So when she confronted him She started yelling screaming and Cursing at him in the middle of the street.

Tiffany- Yo Meika son U know that i Never act like that...But that Nigga had me getting out of Character Yo.

by Mz.HazilBrownEyesMeika April 30, 2009

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Blacked out of character

When somebody blacks out so hard they act out of character to the point that they become a completely different person

Last 4th of July I was so drunk I blacked out of character.

by Zachleejohn July 2, 2017