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out of spite

To deliberately hurt someone because they have hurt you. Revenge really. Retaliation.

I broke up with Sally last week, so yesterday she gave me back all the gifts I gave to her out of spite.

by Rimon August 26, 2010

120👍 7👎

Rub one out of spite

To masturbate out of spite; to angerbate

She hates it when I jack off, so I'm going to rub one out of spite.

by ianjy May 19, 2009

15👍 8👎

Swearing to do nothing but violate your own conscience out of spite


Hym "See that's funny because that's how you act... You act as though your swearing to do nothing but violate your own conscience out of spite.. That what you act like. Ha!"

by Hym Iam March 15, 2023