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Padre of pandemonium

the father (padre) of disorganized menace, the progenitor of destruction, etc

Junior the son is ALSO synonymous with his title as the padre of pandemonium, for he enjoys chaos as the pleasure is always his/her when the torment presents itself.

No one takes greater joy in the suffering of others and misfortune than the padre himself


Junior is the padre of pandemonium

If there’s a father of lawfulness and sanctity then junior is most definitely the father of pandemonium, if not then junior’s FATHER HIMSELF IS

Junior and the father are often interchangeable regardless, one in one.

“For one To attempt to establish order is to provoke and challenge the padre of pandemonium”

“If one refuses to accept chaos and misery then it’s apparent that they will attempt to court the padre of pandemonium”

“You do not allow chaos or hell without the padre of pandemonium”

“There is no pandemonium without the padre

by AB💿EFG February 6, 2022