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pain in the arse

Not literally a pain in one's anus or gluteus maximus, though either would count.

Something quite annoying, but not as bad as a ballache, which would also be expected to last longer.

People, Places, Things: it doesn't matter. Often shortened to just: a pain.

Was that your uncle?

Yeah. What a pain in the arse.

Well, i wasn't gonna say anythin, but...

You wanna meet my Dad! What a ballache. Shit, he's coming over, time for a cool sharp one.

by edjog! December 21, 2005

52👍 18👎

A pain in the arse

A term to use when you find something hard to do.

"That coursework was a pain in the arse for me"

by Thomas Is So Smexy February 4, 2009

Pain in the arse

Samuel Launiere

Samuel Launiere in the biggest pain in the arse

by Hannahx88 December 15, 2019