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Painting the Prostate

When one man/buddy takes testosterone cream and puts it on his index or middle finger, inserts it into another man’s anus (usually a work out buddy or team mate), and massages his prostate with the T-cream. Common practice among bodybuilders, and infamous by the fake doctor of the Biogenesis saga.

He would “paint the prostate” of some MLB players and other high end clientele.

Also known as “finger painting”, “prostate painting”, “Dr. T’ing the A” or “rounding 5th base
#prostate painting #Dr. T in the A #rounding 5th base, #taintpaint, #PPP - professionalprostateplayer, #RPO - Real Players Only, #BiogenesisButtExam #RealProstatesOnly

Aroid: Hey Dr. T, I want cheat my sport more and hit more home runs. Can we do another session?

Dr.T: Of course, Alex. I cannot get enough of seeing your asshole. Bend over and spread your ass cheeks so I can stick my finger in your ass with illegal steroid cream, you know as “painting the prostate”.

Aroid: OMG….I love these “doctor” visits. Will this get me in the Hall of Fame?

Dr. T: Of course not, you stupid fuck

Aroid: Does this make me gay?

Dr. T: Definitely. This makes us BOTH gay.

by Mixsey March 1, 2019