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panning for gold

Having diarhea in the shower, most often after a night of heavy drinking and are too tired to make it to the toilet. The phrase is derived from the sight of the loose stool being dissolved away in the shower drain leaving only remnants too large to pass through the grate.

"God, I was so tired I just couldn't make it to the toilet so I ended up panning for gold in the shower"

by IamCHERYLv March 7, 2009

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panning for gold

editing for Urban Dictionary

UD Editor: Reject, reject, reject, reject, reject, reject, reject, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm reject, reject reject, reject, reject. HEY THERE'S ONE -- PUBLISH! Reject, reject, reject, reject...

Other Person: What are you doing?

UD Editor: Panning for gold.

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd April 13, 2007

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Panning for gold

Hunting for a sugar daddy/mommy.

She was panning for gold on Tinder, and caught herself a sugar mommy.

by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023

Panning for gold

When you take a shit and you have diarrhea followed by solid feces, as if you were panning for gold. This is especially true if you have eaten corn.

Man I just got done panning for gold and I feel great. I'm rich bitch!

by Kyle and kenny July 21, 2008

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Panning for gold

When someone who is delivering a Cleveland steamer is also receiving a golden shower and residual urine falls on the recipient of said Cleveland steamer

Shortly after dinner last night your dad mom and I were panning for gold

by Froggystyle July 4, 2019