Source Code

Pardon Me

Popular song by the band Incubus. Released on the 1998 album Make Yourself.

"Pardon me while I burst into flames
I've had enough of the world and its people's mindless games..."

by pfunk227 December 2, 2004

42👍 30👎

Pardon Me

a cool guy will be ns god

Pardon me is very cool and hot

by pardonme_ December 6, 2020

1👍 2👎

Pardon Me, Sir

(1)acronym for a woman who is acting very emotional or angry as a reslut of extremely bad PMS
(2)excusing yourself for interupting a male or malish female

shaniqua, pardon me, sir, but DARN TOOTIN YOU NEED MEDICATION!

by bonnet August 24, 2006

23👍 8👎

pardon me French

To apologise for using bad language

However not bad language in the sense of French... More like swearing...

Holy shit!

Oh, pardon me French

by Mark Weldon September 17, 2003

6👍 12👎

Pardon Me, Are You Aaron Burr, Sir?

That depends, who's asking?

Alexander: Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?

by Violet the Empath November 17, 2020

13👍 1👎