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Dr. Pepper is the best in the west.

Yoshi the transvestite got pepper on his balls!

by Suits66 August 14, 2023

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A man who does man things. Drinks, smokes, controls the room, buys the bar, steals your girlfriend and just overall wins in life.

That guy has the best life! "Yea of course... He's a Pepper".

Do you trust him? "Yea he's a pepper"

by DirtyWatta December 28, 2015

45πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A seemingly ugly, non-compliant, and grumpy creature that appears to be unhappy whatever the situation. Usually is showered with patience, encouragement, and love by it's primary caregiver.

Can sometimes lash out or strike by quickly pepping underestimating onlookers hard in the chest, if provoked.

Person 1: "Hey Pepper, how ya doin', hey? Come pepper."

Pepper: (Without moving, glares with scrunched up Pepper face, lifted shoulders, slightly hunched back, and arms bent up close to the chest.) "..."

Person 1: "Awe, there's a Pepper. Hey? Hey Pep? Come on Pepper. Come on Pep... "

Pepper: (Slightly turns away, continues pepping and glaring over shoulder.) "...(slight growl)..."

Person 1: "Pepper. No Pepper."
(To stranger) "Oh, she's never like this."
"What's come over you? Come on Pepper. Don't be shy."

Pepper: "..."

Person 1: "Pepper come on...There's my Pep."

by Dr.Pearlman December 5, 2010

114πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


Instead of being salty black people are peppery

Obama is so peppery!

by The Goddamn King March 9, 2017

50πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


What Dick Cheney does to people's faces, especially lawyers on quail hunting expeditions.

Dick Cheney "peppered" Mr. Whittington, or SHOT HIM IN DA FACE!!!!

by K-SAS February 16, 2006

275πŸ‘ 261πŸ‘Ž


wearing a hoodie without any clothes underneath

L: oh wow, I think he’s going pepper
K: damn I wish I could do that. It looks so comfyyyyyyy

by Pepperandsaltarethegs November 7, 2018

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Pepper is the awesomely cool girlfriend of Salt. She is beautiful, energetic, and full of spunk. But don't get her angry. She'll flame you faster than a nazi at a book burning. D:

Pepper's beauty and grace was surpassed by no other woman. :)

by Labtech X March 15, 2005

50πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž