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persecution complex

One of the top fifteen factors that can transform a reasonable, amiable, friendly person with reasonable, friendly beliefs and ideas into a ranting, screaming, judgemental zealot with poisonous, nauseating, self-righteous dreck for beliefs.

Persecution complex can strike anyone, regardless of belief, creed or religion, or whether they disagree with you or not. Once you start believing that the whole world is against you, you begin to justify your abominable actions by the presumed hostility of the world. Mind you, it's a great way to not only make enemies, but also an excellent way of making people reject your beliefs and idealogy.

by T-Boy August 29, 2003

458👍 197👎

Christian Persecution Complex

The complex where Christians are being oppressed and persecuted wherein reality their belief-system has been dominating countries, schools and political systems since like 300 BCE.

Christian: "One day Christians will be able to worship freely, without persecution."

Person: "Talk about CPC."

by DesPERRYado July 1, 2005

450👍 356👎

The Christian Persecution Complex

That meme is like... Literally the exact thing they're doing to me.

Hym "I had a woman come in to my job to tell me that I can't poison God and it's like... Yes I fucking can bitch! This has nothing to do with the Christian persecution complex but yeah... Exact same thing they're doing to me."

by Hym Iam August 8, 2024