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An increasingly popular party trend wherein guests are encouraged to enter a kiosk, don silly props, and make funny faces at the camera with the intention of not only capturing memories but also circumventing party lulls.

Rick and Ruby spent half of the wedding photo-boothing, thereby missing the cake-cutting and dessert.

by Rubrick November 27, 2012

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

photo booth

One of the most romantic places ever, if you think about it. Just you and your lover, making funny faces and kissing as photos are taken of you. Outside the photo booth could be a busy mall or street corner, but in there, it's just the two of you enjoying eachother, and you'll have pictures to remember it by.

Also a pretty good Death Cab song.

Oh look, it's a photo booth. Got any quarters?

by yazdin June 23, 2009

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Photo Booth

A photo booth is when mid-way through a shower, you get hit with a sudden urge to beat one off. Just before the critical moment, feeling proud of what you’re doing, you call out to your lady friend under the pretence that you need to ask her something important and then go stealthily quiet. As soon as she presses her face up against the glass to see what is going on through the steam, you rush the shower door and shoot your load onto the glass like a camera flash going off in her face.

Last night I thought it would be the perfect time to give Melissa the Photo Booth.....the moment was captured

by Woody 25 August 25, 2011

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

photo booth

the easy way to make you look high

lets go on photo booth hehe

we look high

by suckitbbbb June 7, 2021