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a person with a pig like nose, and personality.
ie. they shriek , have chubby cheeks and a stuck up nose.

can be a very bitchy and two faced person , mainly girls , and think they're "punk or emo"

they also have no friends that are true , and are always talked about behind their back.

Traintracks- Don't you think she is a little Pig-Like

Adri- Yeah she is totally Pig-Like, I mean look at her, she looks MAD

by traintracks with bill May 29, 2009

6👍 4👎

Make Like Pig Latin and Amscray

To escape from a certain place as quickly as one's legs can carry them.

A pun on Pig Latin, since Amscray is the Pig Latin version of Scram.

"Zoinks!" yelled Shaggy, "This place is haunted! Let's make like Pig Latin and Amscray!"

by GallopingSausage November 15, 2018

1👍 1👎