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Pinapple Express

A type of sexual intercourse between two friends, or people wanting to be more than friend, or between boyfriend + girlfriend.
Involves boxers with 'Pinapple Express' written on the back, palm trees in the bedroom and the scent of pinapples on the girl.
This type of sex is very fruity and exotic.

(Is recommended for some other people who are bored with their sex lives and want some excitement)

This type of sex has nothing to do with the stoner movie called "Pinapple Express".

Person A - "So I heard you and Zach... Pinapple Expressed last night?"
Person B - "Oh yeah! It was a totally different experience!"

Person C - "Dude! Did you Pinapple Express Gillian last night?"
Person D - "Totally! Dude, you should try it sometime yourself!"

by The Cat Ate Jell-o March 5, 2009

19👍 68👎

pinapple express

the act of quickly inserting a pinapple in to ones anus

i need to loosen that ass up. how bout the pinapple express?

by shark bait ho haha February 22, 2010

8👍 46👎