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pink and blue

Artificial sweetener. So called because the most common brands, Sweet-n-Low and Equal, are available in pink and blue packets respectively.

You need any pink and blue for your coffee?

by uwg August 9, 2007

14👍 5👎

I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck

I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck means you don't give a fuck.

You: Hfjone sucks. I hate you!!!
Me: I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck.
You: I'm sorry!! *CRIES*

by hfjonefan0159391-59105 September 25, 2022

5👍 7👎