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Piss Parlour

A place to relieve yourself of urine. Despite the existance of alternate terminology, a wise man noted their obvious flaws. He deemed "the loo" far too effeminate, "the toilet" far too boring and "the bog" far too vulgar for the feminine ear.

A male in the presence of females is therefore advised to use the term "Piss Parlour" as it gives off an air of masculinity with its use of the word "piss", whilst also masking the unpleasantness of the deed he is about to partake in with the use of the word "parlour". Studies undertaken by a wise man have shown that the female mind associates a parlour with happy thoughts of pretty things.

Girl: "blah blah blah yap yap yap"
Guy (full bladder): "hmmm thats right...hold that thought I need the Piss Parlour"
Girl: "Lovely, off you go then"
Guy (full bladder): *goes to piss parlour* "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"
Guy (empty bladder): "yeah so you were saying?"
Girl: "blah blah blah yap yap yap"

by jibcheese July 28, 2011