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Pitbull Suicide

When a person with beer goggles hooks up with another, they will often pass out next to their one-time lover, only to wake up in the morning and realize their conquest was ugly as fuck. No problem, they dress faster than a fireman and hit the front door, never looking back. Occasionally, however, said conquest is lying on the formerly beer-goggled person in such a way that extricating him/herself without waking the other person up would be an impossible task. The pitbull suicide is when a person saws off his/her arm or other appendage in order to avoid waking the fugly person next to him/herself. It can be done with ones own teeth (hence the name "pitbull suicide") or a knife/axe/saw/spork that's within easy reach.

I lost my arm in a Pitbull Suicide last week after I couldn't release it from under the chick's gunt. I'll miss that arm, but I did get out of there without waking her up.

by 960xxx October 1, 2016