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Plum Juice

A type of Chinese drink that I'm not too sure what's inside. I hope that it doesn't contain Ligondiz.

Guy 1: brooooo i just barfed 15 tons of plum juice i think i have Sugondese Ballsmatitis now.
Guy 2: brooooo shoot are you okay?
Guy 1: SUGONDESE BALLS!!!! YOU JUST GOT PWNE- wait that's a bit too old eh

by Koroe December 30, 2022

Plum juice

When you are gettin a blow Job and spill your plum juice on her

So the other day I plum juiced her

by Plumb juice March 8, 2017

2👍 1👎

plum juice

piles discharge from the anus, usually after a hard shit rips the bee jesus out of your back side, good to avoid spicy foods and a gallon of guinness

i will have to change my boxers as i have some plum juice leakage

by santorini February 17, 2009