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poop hair

when a girl has hair that resembles human feces or has streaks that are the color of poop.

Marianna's poop hair looked like my massive shit in the toilet this morning.

by JCM Crew May 31, 2006

26👍 34👎

Poop hair

An expression used to describe someone with brown or brunette hair. Often used as an insult.

Look at her, she's not even pretty...she has poop hair!

by hahaha125 August 15, 2010

6👍 21👎

cat poop hair

Used to refer to the horrible dreadlocks of white college kids. See also trustafarian.

Townie #1: Check out that guy with the cat poop hair!
Townie #2: Yeah, I betcha that trustafarian goes to Colorado College.

by Smickey September 8, 2006

12👍 7👎