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Someone lays on their back and slowly inserts a candle in their ass while lighting the candle and slowly let the candle wax drip onto their scrotum sack bag.

ALSO A FANTASTIC BAND! www.poor-john.com =)

while listening to Poor-John we gave Jeff a Poor-John. It was fun.

by Matthew Caron March 24, 2007

21👍 3👎


An amazing band from Durham, Maine. You can listen to them here: Http://www.myspace.com/poorjohn or here: Http://www.poor-john.com.

Man, Have you heard that band Poor-John? they're incredible I think I'm going to go buy their album "This CD Made Us Broke..." Today.

by Matthew Caron March 23, 2007

7👍 1👎


An amazing band from Durham, Maine. You can listen to them here: Http://www.myspace.com/poorjohn or here: Http://www.poor-john.com.

Man, that band Poor-John is incredible. I think I'm going to buy their album "This CD Made Us Broke..." Today.

by Matthew Caron March 23, 2007

10👍 3👎

Poor John

A term used in old literature such as "Romeo and Juliet"
It defines a small penis that is old and wrinkly; an insult such as 'biting the thumb'(physical act), which means tell someone has a pitiful penis.

"Yo dude, did you see the poor john on Gary in the showers today. It's like a raisen!"

by Stealthcrip October 13, 2005

25👍 12👎