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Pottery Barn

the abercrombie and fitch of house ware

Sally: I was shopping at pottery barn and they were selling these random book bundles for decoration.

Lisa: Wow, seem like something abercrombie and fitch would do

Sally: I know right, at least decorate with books you actually read

by harley bat July 6, 2011

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pottery barn lesbian

A lesbian (and sometimes a bisexual woman with mass market appeal.

It is often used in a negative way (generally by another gay person)to infer that the person is not "gay enough."

Used by Boy George to describe Rosie O'Donnell when he was obviously hungry for publicity.

negative: Ellen Degeneres is such a pottery barn lesbian. She needs to be gayer on her show.

positive: Rosie O'Donnell is a pottery barn lesbian. She's comfortable enough with her sexuality but it is not the only thing that defines her.

by margaretsanger December 26, 2005

37πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Pottery Barn groan

The pottery barn groan refers to the pissed off scoff/groan that someone lets loose after checking the price on something they wanted to buy from the catalog. Also applies in pottery barn stores, but more toned down due to salespeople that might be listening.

Jenna: OMG, that vintage apothecary table would look PERFECT in the living room!
Sarah: Wow, it is beautiful. Lemme check the price.
*Pottery Barn groan*
Sarah: Awww man.
Jenna: What?
Sarah: It's more than our rent, Jen.

by SarahsAir March 2, 2010

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Pottery Barn Rule

If you break it, you bought it.

Congress and POTUS: What Fiscal Cliff?
US Citizens: You guys don't understand the Pottery Barn Rule: Once you break the economy, you are going to own it. There are going to be 315 million citizens looking at you asking how you let the stock market crash and start a global recession. You will spend the rest of the decade undoing all you didn't do, if you aren't voted out of office first.

George: I want to invade Iraq
Colin: Once you break it, you are going to own it, and we’re going to be responsible for 26 million people standing there looking at us. And it’s going to suck up a good 40 to 50 percent of the Army for years. And it’s going to take all the oxygen out of the political environment. . ."

by VaGentry December 29, 2012

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