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Primary school

The school you go to from the ages 4-11 where your biggest worry is who is "it"

Damn, I miss primary school

by Duuude2010 January 23, 2010

113👍 23👎

Primary School

A school for years 1-6 that will lead you to a path of depression. Your friends leave your life (unless they go to the same High School, yay), you finally told your crush that you liked them on the last day only to figure out that they had a crush on you too... then the bell rings, you say “goodbye” to friends and teachers, you go home, then play Fortnite/Pubg and wonder why you were sad.

1st Year 7: My Primary School ended badly.

2nd Year 7: Uhhuuuuh, and why was that?
1st Year 7: Found out my crush also had a crush on me on the GODAM LAST DAY!!!
2nd Year 7: Dam, that’s heartbreaking. What happened next?
1st Year 7: Played Fortnite and Pubg at home. Why?
2nd Year 7: So you didn’t go hang out with your Primary School CRUSH!?
1st Year 7: No, why would I?
*2nd Year 7 face palms* Oh my fucking god. You stupid son of a...
1st Year 7: LANGUAGE!

by AsainicAudric July 2, 2018

16👍 3👎

Welbourne Primary school

I shitty school with a fat teacher that has pink hair aka ms Hughes

Don’t come to Welbourne Primary school.

by wastemannsss123 December 5, 2019

xingnan primary school

it is a school based in singapore and has a rich, long history of around 89 years. it's a wonderful neighbourhood school and has very very very delicious food. you can't miss it if you ever visit. lots of students go to good secondary school like rgs, hwa chong, nus high, ri and nygs. highest aggregate score was 270 must go study in xnps! we have the best facilities in xingnan primary school!! the school offers a lot of opportunities and teachers are very nurturing and nice! very educational people. schoolmates are friendly too! school is clean and has many amenities for students to use. pond is beautiful and volleyball team is one of the strongest in sg! COME TO XNPS!!!

person 1: hey who's that
person 2: she's from xingnan primary school! so cool

by youcannotescapetheduck April 5, 2021

12👍 2👎

Northcliff Primary School

One of the many ratchet and ghetto schools of South Africa

Justus: My daughter goes to Northcliff Primary School

Debbie: Oh yeah I'm the principal at that ratchet school

by Graciano R December 27, 2022

Gainsborough Primary School

We may be a shit school, and we may have a bad reputation but u can suck our dick if u try to diss us. Ms Clarke can go suck tits like u suck ur mum. Fuck the haters. #donttrustgainsborough

Shit is Gainsborough Primary School

by b chun ny8gryno July 25, 2019

friars primary school

friars primary school is the best primary school on this earth, if you went there you are most likely an absolute g at the moment.

keira: i loved friars primary school

emma: i know i miss it so much!
izzy and lilo: YEAH!

by lovefriars October 12, 2020