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psy vamp

To put it is layman's terms, a vampire that eats energy. They are mortal, have a reflextion, and are only SENSITIVE to light. They can go out in the sun and eat garlic and touch roses so get that fairytale crap out of your head. They need energy, though. They take energy through life and prana, not blood. When a sang vamp needs food, it may sometimes resort to pys means. A mix of both is a hybrid. They don't neccesarily LOOK like a vamp, thats a vampyre that looks like one. A vampyre doesn't need blood or energy and might not even be into that area, they just have a "vampire fetish." A sanguivore can also be called a sang vampire or sang vamp and needs blood.

She meditates and tries to "suck" my energy out, so I think I'm being attacked by a psy vamp.

by everyrose October 30, 2005

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