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The act of braiding one's pubes.

Jerome: Aye whatchu doin playa?

Beentojail: Damn nigga close the door! Can't you see im pubin' ???

by M.C.Paul May 29, 2010

28👍 3👎


The act of traveling to a high traffic area of a public place and throwing cut pubic hair at pedestrians.

Ethan got bored of watching meatspin, so he went pubin'!

by DUTTONSLUTTON October 10, 2007

4👍 11👎


most secretly adorebale guy on erf

pubin went to the market and was secretly adoreable but no one noticed.

by joe April 14, 2005

5👍 10👎


One who tries to bite off his or her under arm pubes whilst in the shower

I saw his sweaty arm pits bend open as he tried to block my shot. No hair under there... He must be a pubinator.

by Big Jase mate January 10, 2012

1👍 2👎

pubin' out

Another name for other commonly known phrases such as: hangin out, chillen, bro'in out, or just doing nothing at all.

"Yo dude what are you doing?"
"Nothing man, just pubin' out, trying to find something to do."
"Yeah I pubed out hard last night."

by hollywood609 January 6, 2009

11👍 6👎

Pubin Cubin

You go down on some hoe and shes got a little five o' clock shadow down on her snatch.

I went to go eat her out and got a mad rug burn on my face form her Pubin Cubin.

by C.I.C April 25, 2009

2👍 4👎