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pull start

A term used to describe any Punjabi who wears a turban.

Term is meant to describe the action of pulling the turban in a manner similar to starting a lawnmower.

If another pull start moves to Brampton, i'm outta here!

by Skeeve January 31, 2006

90👍 22👎

pull start

1. (v) a play on the phrase used to describe the method of starting a lawmower, pull start refers to a hand job begun while the a dick is flaccid. Unlike a hand job, a pull start does not continue until completion.

1. She wanted to get down so she gave me a pull start.

by D. Ward May 5, 2010

9👍 2👎

pull start

A beaded or knotted cord pulled from the anus during orgasm. The cord can be pulled slowly (one bead at a time) or quickly.

Liz is in need of a good pull start!

by Hugh G ass February 17, 2007

25👍 18👎

pull start

Using anal beads, quickly and forcefully remove them from the anus, as if you're pull starting a lawn mower

Stephanie was being such a brat that I used her beads to pull start her and shit went everywhere

by RelaxedBreak98 July 28, 2023

Pull start

When an individual quickly removes a set of anal beads from another person's anus, in the same fashion as pull starting a lawn mower or chainsaw.

"She was loving it! That is until I gave her a pull start... She started right up!"

by Stellawasalizard September 8, 2014

5👍 2👎

Pull start

When you have a rope around your balls and pull really hard

Yeah I just got out of a 4 hour operation from pull starting my balls

by Phdcarl January 28, 2018

1👍 4👎

French pull start

The act of forcibly inserting anal beads into your peepee hole and proceeding to rip it out from your butt at a high speed.

I once did a French Pull start t train myself for kidney stones.

by Fatfruitcake March 6, 2023