Source Code

Pump and Treat

The act where one Guy cums into another person's rectum and then procedes to rythmically compress the recipients abdomen to lick the jizz up.

Environmental Engineer: "We had a leakage the other day... Had to initialize a pump and treat..."
Other guy: "Yeah I feel you. Gave the missus the ol' Pump and Treat this morning."
Environmental Engineer: "Dude, that's not even close to what i meant, you're gross!"

by bertyvogt August 10, 2018

Pump and Treat

The act where one guy cums into another persons butt and then procedes to rythmically compress the recipients abdomen, imitating a pump.

Environmental Engineer: "We had a leak the other day… had to initialize a pump and treat."
Other guy: "Same, gave the missus the ol' Pump and Treat the other day."
Environmental Engineer: "Wat? That's not what I meant in the slightest…"

by bertyvogt August 10, 2018