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pumping lead

the act of disscharging a fire arm usually a rapid firing fire arm like an oozy or a ak47

new york gangs are alaways pumping lead

by tom December 12, 2003

10👍 4👎

pump full of lead

To overkill someone with a gun. To shoot way more than the required amount to kill.

I pumped him full of lead for not paying up.

by Will Groner July 12, 2005

34👍 6👎

Pumped full of lead

To be killed with any type of firearm (except a hunting rifle), with multiple bullets to the body.

Since bullets are made of lead, the phrase pumped full of lead makes sense no? And besides, learn what it means snitches get stiches the easy way, I.e not by being pumped full of lead.

by Sexydimma July 24, 2021