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punk rock beezie

what you would call a punk rocker in the bay area or northern california! Mostly used by legendary rapper from the bay area Mac Dre!

Look at that punk rock beezie!
Girl I don't want no punk rock beezie!

by ERIKA4RMDA831! March 1, 2006

35👍 33👎

Punk Rock Beezy

A female who acting like she big and bad but really just a punk ass bitch.
Beezy is another word for "bitch".

Stop messin wit dem "punk rock beezys" before you end up in jail.

by Killa Cali fron da Valley October 30, 2011

28👍 2👎

punk rock beezy

a slang term for bitch. Most girls take this more word more offensively than others.

"That girl aint my freind, she just a PUNK ROCK BEEZY"

by jazmine91 May 28, 2008

36👍 9👎

punk rock beezy

basically a punk bitch...

that nigga is a punk rock beezy

by Macks Thorough Beezy January 21, 2005

127👍 44👎