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Kirkland Purified Water

16.9 fl oz of water that makes you high as balls

Person 1: Hey dude you want some dope Kirkland Purified Water?

Person 2: Yeah bro lemme get a hit of that Kirkland Purified Water.

by βαρίδι November 21, 2022

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water purifier

when the customer places himself under a mesh camping table while their partner vigorously defecates on the surface of the table sorting the peanut and corn from the poop. in case the customer has an allergy.

Josh gave shawn a water purifier at church camp.

by poolboy6969696969696969 June 15, 2011

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Sam's Purified Drinking Water with Flavor Enhancing Minerals

The most refreshing drink you need.

"Damn bro, Sam's Purified Drinking Water with Flavor Enhancing Minerals is so refreshing.

by Corbino the Extino November 27, 2022

Mother Fucking Lower Moreland Purified Water

A Philladelphian slang word for the kids from the suburbs in Pennsylvania who only drink purified water, because they’re too snobby for spicket water, which they call sink water. Also called MFLMPW

Mother Fucking Lower Moreland Purified Waters are pathetic

by slingshot.aj July 17, 2019

purified water

bitch ass pussy ass water

" im a bitch so i drink purified water cause im a bitch, did i also mention that im a bitch"

by ihatepurifiedwater October 5, 2022