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purple bananas

Inner school word for purple haze (weed)

Ask the caftiria lady 4 purple bananas.

by vitico el fatass December 29, 2005

27👍 14👎

purple bananas

(noun) A verbalization used at the end of video meetings to fill the dead air between the goodbyes and fumbling around to click the end-meeting button.

Bro1 Yo, that meeting was lame. I could barely stay awake.
Bro2 Yeah I was LOLing when Winthrop ended the board meeting by saying purple bananas.

Bro1 For sure, that was the best part. Who knew Winny was so gangsta!
Bro2 Nah. I think he just couldn't find where to click to end the meeting!

by TheBigSikh May 6, 2020

3👍 2👎

purple banana

To Randomly jump on your Friend and Rapidly jab in his/her stomach.

Dude He Purple Banana-ed me while I using the bathroom, Not Cool!

by Shane Strack August 19, 2007

14👍 39👎

Fried Purple Banana

When a girl gives a guy a blowjob while the guy's dick is covered in grape jelly. She can also put topping on it if she wants to like nuts, mini chocolate chips, or even cut up fruit!

Melissa was sucking Nick's fried purple banana. Nick was in so much pleasure that he cummed all over Melissa's face.

Lissa, a he-she, got a great fried purple banana from his/her boyfriend Florence.

A magical fairy came up to George Washington and gave him a nice fried purple banana.

by THENINJA!!!! WHo knows people! November 22, 2010

4👍 6👎