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purple dragon

a different term for heroin

she started chasing that purple dragon, not me because i am a purple dragon but, heroin

by garfilbert May 5, 2022

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

purple dragon

Purple Dragon is an alcoholic beverage made by leaching the buds, leaves, or stems of the cannabis plant (purple sticky punch) in a high-proof clear alcohol. The THC dissolves into the alcohol resulting in a dark purple liquid.

Clinton; "I didn't inhale, I just took a few shoots of purple dragon....so it doesn't count!"

by nicholec82 April 29, 2010

158๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

purple dragon

An act in which you slap soneone in the face with your wang leaving a sometimes purple welt, hence "purple dragon."

"I once was at this party and recieved a purple dragon, it was brutal!"

by theonetheycallthevisionthatbaresthegift April 12, 2005

279๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž

purple dragon

A purple dragon is when you fuck a girl, and when your done with her, you wrap the condom around her neck until her face turns purple and at least one of her eyes falls out and then you skull fuck her through her eyesockets.

After Johny are done having sex with a girl he then wrapped the used condum around her neck until her face turned a shade of purple (blue is acceptable), and as soon as one of her eyes popped out, he skull banged her. Hence the purple dragon!

by Bradley Zarif October 17, 2006

137๐Ÿ‘ 559๐Ÿ‘Ž

Purple Dragon

When a man gives his partner a purple nurple, drags his balls across they're face and cums on them.

Me and my wife wanted to spice things up so I decided to try a purple dragon on her.

by GoreDios October 27, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Purple Dragon

When you cum into a females eyes and them kick her in the face.

U just got a purple dragon bitch

by Mike Bernier April 7, 2008

87๐Ÿ‘ 322๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reverse Purple Dragon

When you pull down a girls pants to eat her out and her dick slaps you in the forehead leaving the mark of a purple dragon

Yo this bitch gave me a reverse purple dragon last night

by TheJewKiller678 April 19, 2018