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put it in my dick

Derived from the latin word niggerfaggot aka pineapple to put in ones penis

Hey go pick up tht closehanger and put it in my dick !!!!!!!!!!!

by hefe housein December 18, 2016

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i wanna put my dick in it

a person, place, thing, or idea, you want to insert your dick into.

joe: yo that bitch is fine!

jon: i wanna put my dick in it

by myniggachucknorris July 19, 2008

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Put My Dick in a Bag of Doritos

When your girl wanna get freaky so you stick your dick into a bag of doritos and let your bitch suck the dust of the tip

" Babe I'm feeling a bit peckish" " what you want bella ? " " Got any chips ? " " Ahh I could put my dick in a bag of doritos and you could suck the dust of the tip ?"

by A$AP Fatty September 22, 2020

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I put my dick in a bag of Doritos

A kids mom died so he made a song but it started of with I put my dick in a bag of Doritos.

Johnny: I put my dick in a bag of Doritos

by Ohhhhhhj December 4, 2019

16👍 1👎

to put one's dick in that/ put my dick in that

A non-literal phrasal verb declaring oneself to be supportive of and in agreement to another's idea, suggestion or recommendation. More common among males but also heard by the few females that know how to relax, not be prudish and accept that it probably is a really good time to have a dick to put in things.

(to put one's dick in that/ put my dick in that)

"Bruh, that storm last night brought 18 inches of fresh pow up at Solitude! Should we strap on the boards and go shred the gnar!?"

"Oh yipee! I'll put my dick in that! Just remember, no friends on powder days. I'll be there, you just worry about keeping up bruh."

by palavradaurbana June 2, 2020

i just put my dick up there

It means that you had sex. You normally say it when it is you first time having sex and getting rid of your Virginity and throw away that sex doll

'last night I just put my dick up there and it felt wonderful '

by Master. Bates July 11, 2017

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I don't even know what hole to put my dick in

A new phrase thats rapidly gaining in popularity, this is used to describe ones condition if one is utterly confused, wasted, high, or just plain out of it. Its often used to describe situations that have already happened but is not limited to that. There are many variations, a few of the more common ones are following:

-I don't know what hole to put my dick in
-I can't even tell which hole to put my dick in
-I put my dick in all the wrong holes

"Man, that party last night was so crazy I didn't even know which hole to put my dick in."

"Algebra is so confusing, I don't even know what hole to put my dick in!"

"I feel bad about that chick the other day, I was so wasted I put my dick in all the wrong holes..."

by ybsubnairb December 11, 2009

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