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we say it in hungary when somebody or something is really bad, awful or disgusting.

Shaki,your hairdresser sucks.Your hair is sooo putto!!!!

by sunyuloroka November 8, 2005

23👍 9👎


a chubby, winged angel. also known as a cherub.

The putto upstairs isn't going anywhere if God has anything to say about it.

A putto's blessing is hard to come by these days.

by Pausto August 15, 2010

12👍 7👎


Its a thing we say in Hungary when something is really awful,bad or disgusting.

Shaki,your new hairdresser sucks. Your hair is so putto.

by ravaszroka November 8, 2005

5👍 6👎


a person who is able 2 be punk and ghetto all at the same time..not to mention looking good doing it

amanda & meg are so putto!

by amanda & meg August 4, 2003

4👍 16👎