Source Code

quad damage

An artifact which makes any attacks which you make in any form render four times the damage to the victim. Has a great sound effect.

When I had quad damage and I punched my friend in the nose, his whole head exploded :(

by Dr Ian April 11, 2003

122👍 25👎

quad damage

a mad bong consisting of 4 chambers for maximum smoothness.

whoa man how did you rip that massive cone? quad damage...

by Nick Fannin March 22, 2007

15👍 37👎

quad damage

A bong with one large chamber and four pipes, allowing 4 people to get "damaged" at once.

YO nigga...we just hit the quad damage!!!!!

by Doctah G. March 31, 2006

11👍 45👎

Quad Damage

A fucking great Alternative Metal band from North-West London.



"Dude, Quad Damage rip shit up!"

by RoflcopterSoiSoiSoiSoi January 12, 2012

23👍 6👎