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rare steak

The glorious inside of a black pussy. Dark on the outside, but bright red on the inside.

- "yo that black chick has got a nice rare steak"
- "was it nice and red?"
- "hell ya, juicy

by BrownWang March 3, 2016

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Chicago Rare Steak

Slang to describe a black girl's vagina.

Burnt on the outside, pink on the inside.

I was fuckin' some chicago rare steak last night, it was off da'hook.

by MPU_2071 October 22, 2007

42πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Medium rare steak

An all male gang bang in Pakistan

Hey Paji, fancy a medium rare steak?

Hey guys, there’s four of us here, shall we have a medium rare steak?

Medium rare steak at mine at 9, you in?

by Johnathon Doseph December 29, 2017

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

i like my steaks rare

a sick jesture of ones taste in women or should i say girls this meaning that the man making the comment likes girls very young "pre puburty" a term used by one who is a pervert or pedophile and is not bashful about it and maybey proud of it a real sicko would say this, basically it means you like little girls.

i was sitting at a bar one nite talking to this guy twice my age when a 23 year old very cute girl that was a good freind of mine sat down for a little chat as she walked away and i watched her he replied cute but to old i said what shes only 23 and he replied " i like my steaks rare " and i thought what a sick bastard. later that nite i went homeand went online and checked the local sex offender registry but he wasnt on it yet

by skyjack_fixer@yahoo.com October 4, 2007

377πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Your dad is like how i enjoy my steak, rare

Your dad leaves to get a bag of sour patch kids, and 10 years later, he actually brings a 24-gallon can full of blue raspberry flavored sour path kids.

Your dad is like how i enjoy my steak, rare

by zaqwszsfdzsgf December 19, 2019

as rare as a steak

Fine piece of ass

Oh my she is as rare as a steak lad

by Bigboy.com September 27, 2017