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Ravi Shankar

The greatest Sitar player of all time, he played with George Harrison (The Beatles) a few times and was also playing at Woodstock, however was not included in the Woodstock movie.

Me: Ah Ravi Shankar is such a great artist
Guy at my school: What? I'm busy listening to N-Dubz

by LookAtJohnWillJa January 29, 2011

24👍 2👎

Ravi Shankar

A musician and composer from India. The best Sitar player in recorded history and one of the greatest musicians ever.

Western Guy: Whatcha listening to?
Pashtun Guy: Ravi Shankar.
W G: yeah.. I've heard of him, he is the father of Norah Jones right? He plays music too, huh?
Pashtun Guy walks up to Western Guy and beats his brains out with the Sunday Special Issue.

by the_last_vestage_of_truth April 22, 2010

36👍 7👎

Ravi Shankar

Rhyming slang for wanker

"Oh him? Yeah, he's a bit of a Ravi Shankar."

by GeeLao November 22, 2012

6👍 10👎