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red onion

a hole in the wall, a really crappy bar or hangout

"I needed to get out of the house for a while, but I didn't want to go far or spend a lot of cash, so I just went to that red onion down the street."

by TheMocker December 30, 2014

10👍 4👎

raw red onion breath

Any injury that results in bleeding from the mouth.

Damn, he got snuck. He got raw red onion breath, he lost a tooth.

by Black_Lavis215 January 5, 2017


If you like red onions on your pizza your mom triple gay, your dad lesbian, your sister a mister, and your granny a tranny.

How was wedding? "oh it was good except everyone got sick from the RED ONIONS ON PIZZA and one person died."

by papajohnsux March 20, 2018

1👍 6👎