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Reddit kid

The kid that wears Skechers and a sonic tee and is a certified sniper

"Yo bro you hear about the Reddit kid screaming big chungus in the bathroom"

by Thatonekid in thecorner January 12, 2021

30👍 4👎

Reddit kid

A reddit kid is someone that quotes terrible memes daily. They usually have long hair and rarely shower, they also probably only eat foods such as sausage rolls.
They tend to find humour in terribly made things that are so bad that it’s sad, not funny. They won’t ever admit to being a reddit kid, even though they know they are.

Normal person “You are a reddit kid, get over it.”

Reddit kid- “Stop, wait a minute, something ain’t right! I am an epic gamer, not a reddit kid.”

Later that day

Reddit kid- “YES I GOT 5 UPVOTES ON MY r/morgz EPIC POST!!!”

by Boylaity March 3, 2021

38👍 18👎