Source Code


Sleep spell in Final Fantasy XI. The most awesomest spell ever.

Kyan casts Repose on Shikubokubo.
(Shikubokubo) Oh I see. You put me to sleep so you can have your way with me!

by TheBestestest December 3, 2007

4πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

social repose

often called a "goth moth" or "mother moth" because of his unique headdress and wings that he wears on many videos on his youtube channel

-Did you see that Social Repose video that was posted yesterday????
-Mother moth!
-Yeah man!

by riceofnewfork February 15, 2017

464πŸ‘ 246πŸ‘Ž

Repose Calligraphy

The state of your handwriting when extremely drowsy, tired, fatigued or sleepy.

Ie. the gibberish notes you take in class when your half asleep.

teacher: "...and so class, I hope your writing this down, x=pie $$%..."
student: *takes notes while dozing off*

Later at home...
student: wtf is this? *looks at notes and doesn't see, x=pie $$% but instead see's εŒ•zδΉ‚ζœ©shxhdn.*Dang, I have repose calligraphy.

by TashL. July 8, 2012

Social Repose

Also known as Diet Onision, Social Repose is a vlogger, "musician", and scumbag who has taken up the past time of making "music" videos that appeal to his core audience of 12 year old scene girls. His hobbies include dressing up like a bird, not brushing his teeth, and fucking everyone in sight in a desperate attempt to prove that he isn't gay.

He is most well known for cheating on youtuber JaclynGlenn, something that would eventually lead to his downfall and cause him to post vague suicide threats on twitter.

Is that guy gay?
No he tried to fuck me and 3 of my friends.
Ew. What a Social Repose.

by tomviolence November 7, 2017

552πŸ‘ 367πŸ‘Ž

social repose

A synonyme for "cheating dirtbag" or "very gross trash".

-Mom: "Honey, could you please bring out the social repose?"

-Guy: "Yo have you heard what Kyle did to his precious girl?"
Other Guy: "Yeah man, fucking disgusting. He's such a social repose."

by nuebish November 7, 2017

34πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

social repose

Richie Giese is Social Repose, he is an alternative musician and youtuber. He is from Maryland and is known for his style which includes a beautifully crafted headress and several body pieces to make himself unique. Richie has done many covers of songs from genres ranging from rap to rock. He truly is a great musician.

me:omg did you see the new Social Repose video?!
her: yes! it was amazing!

by socialdistortion April 13, 2016

530πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž

Social Repose

Richie Giese, Social Repose, is a Youtuber well known for his covers and original songs.

He dresses in very obnoxious attire, including a headdress, large black wings, white face paint and black contacts. He is also well known for his cheating and manipulative behavior, as well as being extremely problematic (Some may consider him racist).

12yo emo girl: Have you seen Social Repose's new video? xD
12yo emo girl #2: Omg xD Yes! rawr owo

by rosiexx November 6, 2017

228πŸ‘ 255πŸ‘Ž